Manu Manzo is a singer and songwriter who born in Venezouela and raised in miami. She studied in Berklee College of Music for two years and in 2015 she was nominated for “Best New Artist” at latin Grammy Awards. This Year she filmed her first music video for the song, XXX Novio Remix ft. Yunel Cruz and was released in July 2016.

In 2015 Manu releases her first EP “Como Soy” independently which she describes as “an honest body of work that came from the heart and where i was loyal to myself and what i like 100% she was able to write artists such as Alex Ubago, Tommy Torres, Luis Enrique, Elsten Torres, Cris Zalla & Juan Carlos Perez Soto, who is also thw producer of the project. Her sound is a mix of all the genres that have influenced her life. From Latin, to jazz, and hip – hop to neo soul just like the blues. Finding the medium between old school and new school, without losing her essence.

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The Interview Of Manu Manzo

Tell us three words that characterize Manu

Determined, artist, clown hahaha.

We know that you have studied in Berklee College of Music in BostonHow much does it helped you with your career?

Berklee definitely opened up my horizons to new music I had never heard before. Being from Miami I was used to a lot of latin music and top 40 music in english (apart from jazz, that i had grtown up with in my home) so once I relocated to a more «american» city i discovered neo-soul and all its amazing artists that influenced the sound for the first album and continue to influence me on the daily. It also showed me how much talent there is so it made me want to work very very hard.

You are both a singer and songwriter . Which one makes you feel better?Singing or composing

I feel like its a 50/50 when it comes down to writing and performing my own music. Writing is my conscious side, i spend hours on end getting thoughts together and editing to make sure i get my point across exactly how I would want my listeners to interpret it, while singing is my ultimate form of expression.

Re-living those moments that inspired the lyrics once the song is finished is an incredible feeling because you feel it different each time and an be more free and able to enjoy it more. now that I’ve been writing for and with other artists Ive learned to ADORE writing because its less personal so I can detach myself from the situation, be a bit less critical and have more fun with it.

You were nominated for the «Best New Artist» award at the 2015 Latin GrammyHow important do you think is that for your career?

I think it is a blessing that it happened this early on. Its a push that gives you a taste of whats to come and fuels the engine to want to work harder and harder.

When you started this careerdid you believe that you would be a nominee for this important award so soon

Never in a million years, but life works in mysterious ways and I am forever grateful that it played out how it did.

Do you have a favorite quote or a saying that is always on your mind

Work hard and be kind… and this one that my acting coach told us once and applies to every field… «dont wait for hollywood to give you jobs, create them»

What is your greatest desire on the music

To inspire people to be and do better…. and to have fun!!

What personal advice would you give to someone wanting to pursue this career

To never compromise who you are to reach «success».Success is when you are really honestly happy with who you go to bed with every night after the lights and mics are off… yourself. True contentment with who you are and being proud of how you make the ones around you feel. Also to find your purpose and work really hard towards it every day…with perseverance and patience.

Video Manu Manzo

Manu Manzo - XXX Novio LIVE in Studio (Acoustic)

Notice: All material, photos and video which were used for the interview in, are from personal file of Manu Manzo.

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